Public Housing: 10 Innovative Public Housing Programs-Part II

I broke up this top 10 list into two separate articles.  To read part I, click here  Without further ado, here is the last 5 innovative public housing programs.

6. Project March- Keene Housing Authority:  The Keene Housing Authority used its Moving to Work flexibility to put an emphasis on housing homeless veterans in its region.  While there is a nationwide focus on homeless veterans, Keene went above and beyond by partnering with Southwestern Community Services who houses the veteran immediately.  This allows the veteran to build up a positive housing history and by the time they come up on the waitlist, the veteran can choose to move or stay put.    Click here to read more

New Hampshire

7. The Maximizing Opportunities for Mothers to Succeed (MOMS)- Oakland Housing Authority: This amazing program allows for mothers recently released from jail to receive housing, high quality case management, and help with bonding with their children.  A large percentage of these women had prior drug dependencies and were at risk of being homeless both prior and after being accepted to the program.   See more by clicking this link

Oakland, CA

8. Interim Foreclosure Assistance- Orlando Housing Authority:  During the financial disaster, many households across the country lost their homes.  The Orlando Housing Authority came up with the idea that helping a family short-term from losing their home would save the family and community in the long-term.  I really like this idea and it really stretches the imagination of what a housing authority can do.  I am not sure how fully implemented this program was but you can find the original MTW activity here try page 20.

9. Caseload Optimization/Biennial Re-certification:  San Diego Housing Commission: The San Diego Housing Commission has been a trend setter in the MTW world for as long as a decade.  In 2012/2013, the agency used MTW flexibility to switch the number of annual reviews to a Biennial schedule.   They did not stop there.  They realized that annual reviews were often bunched up in certain months of the year.   They used the change in review times to also pull the string at both ends and ensure an even steady number of reviews each month.  Other PHAs followed suite afterwards.  Predictable monthly workload allows for better scheduling and helps eliminate spikes.

San Diego, CA

10. Battle Against Late Life Depression-Atlanta Housing Authority:  Growing old happens to all of us but nobody should have nobody.  However; that is often exactly what happens.  Many senior citizens enter their golden years with little money and little to no family to look out for their best interests.  This innovative partnership brings in help to AHA’s senior population but takes it one step further.  AHA staff are actually trained on how to work with senior’s who might be experiencing depression or mental health issues.  Read here for more information on this great program

The programs mentioned above are just a few of the top 10 innovative ideas being implemented in the public housing industry.  Please feel free to share other ideas, concepts and programs that could be helpful.

*As always, this blog is based on my research, my ideas and does not represent any agency that I might work with, for or be affiliated with. *


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